I got an opportunity to travel to Bangalore in the first week of March this year.While it was an official trip , I was able to find some time for friends and leisure. Though, it has been more than a month since I returned, I still have fond and vivid recollections of the great time I had there.
The flight from Delhi to Bangalore is a long one (a three hour flight is long for me!). Long mainly because flights can be really boring. Thankfully, I had a window seat and I spent most of my time looking out. While even that can get tedious, I was able to spot this from above!
India’s very own grand canyon – spotted from 35000 feet
Once in Bangalore, most of my time was spent at work but I was able to find time for a little sight seeing. The one place that stood out for me in Bangalore, despite the crazy traffic, was Lal Bagh. It is a well laid out garden and is super serene. And when the fading sun shines on the huge granite rock face, you get a million shades of orange – in the sky and on the rock. Its like the earth is on fire! It was definitely one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen.
The sun had gone down but the sky was still simmering!
Yes there were beautiful flowers everywhere!
The other place I was able to visit was Shivasamudram falls. These falls are located around 200 km east of Bangalore and the Kaveri river falls a decent height to create these falls. It was a very hot day and the drive through the parched lansdcape meant frequent pit stops. Mostly, we ended up having the most healthy drink one can have in the tropics – coconut water. Upon reaching there we realized that Shivasamudram is actually two separate falls, namely Gagana Chuki and Bara Chuki, in close proximity with each other. The landscape around the falls in green as it is nourished by the waters of the Kaveri.
The Bara Chuki falls . Yeah just a trickle
The power house – Asia’s first
These water channels divert water to the power house, That’s the reason the falls are almost dry
And where there’s water, there’s peple wanting to take a dip!
We really wanted to check out the turbines but it turned out that requires prior permission. It was still worth it. There was so much greenery around that brought so much relief after starting at the dry and hot landscape for hours.
It was a memorable outing. The company I had made everything even more memorable. Looking for forward to more!
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